Friday, January 22, 2010

Operation Organization

I just finished reading How to Organize Just About Everything by Peter Walsh. The book was huge but it was filled with the most random and interesting tidbits. For example, did you know that if you soak cotton balls in bleach and place them in mildewy corners of the shower or bath when you start cleaning that by the time you are finished cleaning the mildew should be gone. Now that to me is useful information! Anyways, yesterday I began my operation organization in the bathrooms. I filled up an entire garbage bag with expired medicine and random makeup samples that cause clutter and never seem to be used. I felt good about all my work at the end of the day and I was excited to show Ian what I had done. I guess I had a lot of energy yesterday since I organized two bathrooms, hung pictures in the bedroom, made dinner, and made a loaf of banana bread. Lets hope today is just as productive!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

A Fresh Start

So, it is not January 1st anymore but I am just now getting around to my New Year's Resolutions. For 2010 my goals include getting organized, getting back to the basics (cut out the things that cause stress) in my life, taking better care of myself, and getting Ian to join me in these endeavors. I decided to start blogging for two reasons. First, I love to read other people's blogs so maybe I could write something just as interesting. Second, I like the idea of having a record of my year that I can refer back to for scrapbooking or just to reminisce. Hopefully I will be able to stick with this even if my only reader is my mom!